My home page

Okay, I admit it.....there's nothing here...I'm working on it :) See? I'm adding stuff :) Like color! and look....a link! Click Here to go to the SM Frat house, my real home. :)

Well, I though you should meet my the owner of the SM Frat, my c-bro and tag team partner, Sonic!

And of course, can't forget my good friend Kermy! (actually, he's Kermit Kitten right now, but it's hard to find a pic of a green kitten :) )

And last, but certainly not least....the last member of the Final Four (and the cute one)......Starfire!!!! Sorry, she's camera shy, or else I'd put a pic of her up :)

That's all for now folks.....but don't forget to check here....I'm building a full house!!! And as my friend Kermy says "enter at you own saneness"!!!

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