What is your name?

What is your E-Mail address?

For the following questions, please pick the answer closest to the truth.

1) How did you get here?

I used a Web Browser.
I'm using my computer.
I logged in via government satellite.
I forgot.
I do not wish to tell you.

2) When was the last time you took a shower?

5 minutes ago.
Last week.
Uh, I can't remember!
I take baths.

3) How did you find me?

I used a search engine.
A friend told me about it.
I was browsing Geocities and stumbled upon it.
I did a Tripod member search.
Found MODMAN 2 on America Online; checked out your site.
I just typed a random URL and I guess it was yours!

4) What did you eat for dinner yesterday?

A celery stick and a carrot.
Grilled horse patty.
In an attempt to resist starvation, I resorted to cannibalism and ate a close relative.
I'm fasting. Big diet.

5) Which is your very favorite web site?

Parker's Page O' Uselessness.
The Centre for the Easily Amused.
The Corporation.

Put your comments below.

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