My name is Parker Smith. I live on the west coast of beautiful Florida. I am a fourteen-year-old boy scout. I spend a lot of my time keeping up my web site, Parker's Page O' Uselessness.

Every week I attend a Boy Scout meeting where I advance and learn stuff. I also volunteer at the local hospital, where I help elderly people who are recovering from operations.

I am unusual (well, that's obvious) because, for one reason (out of many others) I am homeschooled. I spend a lot of time indoors but I go to church and the church youth group on Sunday, and Boy Scouts on Wednesday. And, strange as it may seem for a "sheltered" kid, I've got a lot of friends. Homeschool and not. It's a good life.

Everybody says I have a weird sense of humor, but I don't believe 'em. I'm perfectly normal - except for my fear of toenails. Hey, it's true, really, I'm afraid of toenails.

I'm a perfectionist, too. If I mess up, I kill myself. Well, not literally, of course. For instance, I once was in a full-scale play... it was the ninth performance I think... some of our friends came to watch it. My fellow actors had messed up plenty in their career, and didn't give it a second thought. But as for this play, every night was fabulous. It was great, I hadn't made a single mistake. But on this one partucular evening... I looked out into the audience, at all the hundreds (even thousands) of people staring at me. And then I forgot my lines. I did my best for a few seconds, exited the stage on cue, and then sulked. I really cried a flood of tears because I forgot how to say "Coennaconnysisaconnytantanteeandanopleandapopleandaconstantinople!" (Who could blame me?) But I'll never forget that. My first play; my first mess-up.

Of course, you can understand that I never acted in another play. But I do enjoy another form of "fine" arts. If you own a Macintosh with America Online, do a file search for "MODMAN 2." I am a programmer. I write games. Simple games, but games nonetheless.

A strict Macintosh user, I find Windows a bore. And DOS scares me more than toenails. Macs are better than PCs because of the following reasons:
* One mouse button.
* Clear monitor picture.
* Programming simplicity.
* No D Drive, A Drive etc.
* An OS named not after the year it was written.
* It's the first to reach 350 mhz.
* Superior hardware and perepherials.
* A little more money, a little more quality.
* Cool icons.
* Advanced sound, with no special card or external speakers.
* Some Macs run Windows porgrams anyway.
* Bill Gates is a nerd; Steve Jobs is not.
* Or vice versa, depending on the way you look at it.
* Apple has a better logo than Microsoft.
* Macs have clever keystrokes PCs running Windows lack.
* Programs for both computers have newer versions for Mac.
* Dropped from a 10 story building, Macs hold up better.
* Pentium III vs. PPC G3 = Macintosh wins.
* Mac software is so much more self-explanitory.
* Windows programs are almost as boring as this list.
* We're faster. Way faster.
* Blue is cool. So are red, purple, orange and green.
* In comparison, 5 out of 6 testers preferred the smell of Mac.
* Parker's Page O' Uselessness is made on Mac. 'Nuff said.

I hope I made my point clear. If you agree with me, I know someone dedicated to Windows. You can E-Mail him if you'd like; he's always ready for a Mac vs. PC debate! His address is

When I'm not on the computer, I'm either asleep, eating, doing chores, or watching TV. My two brothers have a little one in their room, there's one in the living room, my parents have one in their room, and I have my own. My brothers have a Sega Genesis with a lot of cool, new games (hey, it's for sale! E-Mail me and name your price!) and I have a Sega Saturn.

I do want to get a photo of me on this page, honest! But I'm just too darn lazy to turn on the scanner and do it. But until I finally get one, you'll just have to rely on this page for all your information.

Now that you know everything about me, you can go back to the home page.
Or, you can go to Geocities.