Parker's Page O' Uselessness

This is a deer.

*That deer is clip art. No animals were harmed during the production of this web site.

*That deer has nothing to do with this web site. It just has a nifty look to it.

*I am not a hunter. Rifles scare me.

*So do shotguns, for that matter.

*Besides, even if I was a hunter, there aren't many deer in Florida.

*I don't like deer.

"Keep in mind, I don't like deer."

Parker Smith - The Home Page Guy
United States

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Welcome to the NEW Parker's Page O' Uselessness!!! You may be saying to yourself: "New? If this is the new page, I'd hate to see the old one!" Actually, the old one was a lot better than this one. And no, I'm not new to the wide world of being a webmaster. As of when I write this, Parker's Page O' Uselessness is running its third glorious year.

Why then, is this place so simple, and so ugly? Because, the full version is open only to those who use Netscape Navigator. You, oh - how do I put it - DON'T. So you can't see the full version until you download a real web browser. And it's free. So what are you waiting for? Click here now! You won't regret it - the real PPOU is way better than this crummy thing.

The Lite version includes a few links to other pages in the site that are (or should be) friendly to your browser. When you get Netscape, the list will be about doubled.

But hey, I don't want you to feel pressured or anything.

Other Nifty Pages in My Site

About me: The "about me" page with too much information...
Feedback Form: Tell us!
Our Loving Sponsors: Here is a list of the companies who help me.
Awards we've won: The amazing awards!
Arkerpay'say Agepay Oyay' Uselessnessyay: Parker goes pig latin.
MAKE*A*STORY: Make a story with these online scenarios.
Parker's Page O' Quotes: Clips and quotations from all over.
The Anti-Rap Society: Fighting for quality music!
PPOU History: Parker's Page O' Uselessness, '97 - '99...
Secret Einstein Awards: A web site award for "the rest of us."
Deja Vú Resource Page: Do you have Deja Vú? Click here again.
Geocities: Useful, yes, but this link is required by my Web Space Provider.

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