The Lodge

A Rocking Chair
The Televison
The Fireplace


SadieHi there! I'm Sadie, one of the counselors here. Welcome to the Lodge. This is the administrative center of Camp Mouwsikita. The offices of the camp bigwigs are here, as well as the lobby where you are now standing and the camp post office. Sometimes, the campers use this lobby as a quiet place to watch television, and, as Elizabeth, Jessica, Spring, and Alexandra are using it, to hang out and talk on the phone. The camp post office is where the campers go to send mail home to their families.

The Director's Office Door
The Registration Office's Door
The Post Office
The Director's Office
The Registration Office
Post Office
The Records Department Door
The Assistant Program Director's Office Door
The Staff Lounge Door
The First Aide Station's Door
The Records Department
The Assistant Program Director's Office
The Staff Lounge
The First Aide Station

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