First Grade Teacher's Favorite Web Sites

Websites for First/Second Graders

This site has fun and educational games for your child to play!!

The Jan Brett Website:
This website has a lot of information about the author we study Jan Brett. It also has several activities that you can do at home with your child.

A Leo Lionni: Author Study:
This website has information about Leo Lionni as well as ideas on how to extend his books and resources for teachers and parents on where they can find more information about Leo Lionni on the internet.

The Official Eric Carle Web Site:
This website has a lot of information about the author Eric Carle and his books.

This website has some fun activities for children based on Dr. Seuss books.

Fun Brain:
This site has activities for teachers, students, and parents. Kids can sharpen their math and language art skills through some fun activities.

PBS Kids:
This site have information on your kid's favorite characters including: Arthur, Teletubbies, Sesame Street, and much, much more. There is also fun games you can play on-line.

Fun First Grade Games:
This site offers educational games for all areas of the curriculum including: reading, writing, math, science, and social studies!

First Grade Backpack:
This site has great activities in reading and math for your first grader!

Carol Hurst Children's Literature Web Site:
This website has great information for teachers or parents who are looking for ideas to extend books or find similar books on a particular theme.

Lesson Plans Online:
Computer, internet, maths & language lesson plans for every classroom.

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