Literature: Next week, we will be reading the book Enzo the Wonderfish by: Cathy Wilcox. This will continue our theme in our reading series on "Something Fishy". Students will be doing several activities including: writing a story from the fish's point of view, graphing our favorite pet, and making a class about teaching a fish a trick.
Phonics: Next week, students will be reviewing endings that can be added to base words. Students will be making a fish flip book with the endings: "ing", "er", "ed" and "s".
Math: Students took the mid-chapter review test on geometry. Next week students will be starting simple fractions. We will be dividing objects up into several parts to determine the fraction.
Science: Students continued observing their plant growth of wheat, brassica, and grass. Students are recording their observations in their plant journals. Students will be cutting their grass and observing the growth after it is cut.
Thank You: Thank you to all the parents who supported Teacher Appreciation Week. I appreciated the luncheon, the class book, and the flowers. It brighted up my day!!
Field Trip: We will be going on a field trip on Wednesday May 13th to the Shedd Aquarium. If you have not returned your permission slip forms and money, please return as soon as possible. Thank you to all the paretns who volunteered to attend, I will be lettting you know next week if your help is needed.
1. Identify different kinds of fish.
2. Write your spelling words in alphabetical order.
3. Plant a flower.