Reading Curriculum: In first grade, we use the "Houghton Mifflin Reading Series". This series focuses on a balanced literacy program that includes: reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills. Our balanced program integrates phonics and literature.
We also assess students' performances based on First Steps. First Steps provides a framework for linking assessment with teaching and learning. It was researched and well developed over five years by the Education Department of Western Australia. It covers the four areas of content reading including: speaking, reading, writing, and spelling. School District U-46 will be using First Steps for reading only.
Word of the Day: Each week we will have five new "Words of the Week" where we will add one word to the word wall in our classroom daily. A word wall is a collection of important words for your child's grade level. These important words for first graders are the words that make up other words that students read and write. By our students being able to recognize these words, they are able to read, spell, and write.
Parents and students will be the given the sight words on each Friday for the next week. Please take a chance during the week to review the word wall words with your child. You may also want to review the word wall words from the previous weeks.
Handwriting: Students will learn "D'Nealian" handwriting in first grade to better prepare them for "D'Nelian" cursive in the upper grades. Have your child practice their name and the letters of the alphabet in "D'Nealian" handwriting.
Mathematics: We will be using the "Everyday Mathematics" series developed by the University of Chicago and "Everyday Counts". These programs involve hands-on experiences and manipulative use. Students will be actively engaged in their learning. Everyday Counts is used during the "calendar" time since it focuses on the basic skills that need to be learned daily such as: the days of the week, the months of the year, and weather.
Science: We are currently using the Foss Science Program in the school district. This is a hands-on approach to science where students are actively involved in science experiments. In first grade we do three science units a year: plants, solids and liquids, and pebbles, sand, and silt.
Social Studies: This year the school district adopted a new social studies program from "Harcourt Brace". This series combines literature with social studies concepts. Each social studies concept covered integrates history, geography, and citzenship. Their our hands-on activities for students to do after each lesson.
Star of the Week: Our first grade class will be doing "Star of the Week". Each child will be named "The Star of the Week" for one week. On the Friday before their week, a bag will be sent home with a poster and a basket. Over the week-end, they can write on their poster and bring in five items to share with the class in their basket. This gives each child a chance to shine while practicing their reading and writing skills. We believe this area of our curriculum also helps to build our classroom community.
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