Rising Stars

My friends mean a lot to me, they keep me going in tough times and keep me laughing all the rest of the time! I'd list some of them, but I'd be too afraid of leaving some out, so here are some pictures I found.

Starting on the left, going clockwise: Amanda, Rebecca, John, Shane, Me, Lee, and Leslie at Epcot on a band trip, summer of 2001.

Starting on the left: Mia, Bunny, Me, Rei, Rebecca, Leah, Rebecca, and Kathleen.

Mama Bear and Bert after "The Wizard of Oz" at Arkansas Tech University. Ashlee was "Glenda the Good Witch" and Bert was a crow (Which explains the lipstick...)

Way too many people to name, but I can guarantee they are all friends! This is the Spring Retreat of '01 with my church youth group. The theme was "Believer".

Again, too many people to name, but a few of them you should recognize from the picture above! Again, this is part of my youth group at the Heifer Project in Perryville, AR. We had to live in 3rd world conditions for one day and night, and let me tell you, I can feel for these people now.
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