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Beanie Babies

And more collectibles

Welcome to the Beanie babie section of...... A+ collectables! Well here you go... Learn more about these fantastic bean stuffed animals everyone loves!!! All these Links that say ty.taken means they were taken off of ty's homepage. But Hey! Be lazy; don't type; just click!!!!! (I also know some information they do not put on ty's site but you can go there anyway. E-mail me for questions. I am at ali4beanie@aol.com. I'll search FOR you!

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A new Aqua page!


Beanie United Vote Join our Beanie Babie Club! The club name is Beanie Buds. All you have to do is email me!Please send your age,gender,and email address to:ali4beanie@aol.com!

Have you ever wondered which creatures started the Beanie Babies? Well....

The first Babies ever created were Legs, Pinchers, Squealer, Spot, Cubbie, Chocolate, Flash, Patti, and Splash.

Sign my guestbook!!! And feel free to sell, trade, or auction your Beanie Babies in our Trade and Auction Page!


Ants the anteater Birthday - November 7, 1997

Early the robin Birthday - February 20, 1997

Fetch the golden retreiver Birthday - February 4, 1997

Fortune the panda Birthday - December 6, 1997

Gigi the poodle Birthday - March 7, 1997

Glory the bear Birthday - July 4, 1997

Jabber the parrot Birthday - October 10, 1997

Jake the mallard duck Birthday - April 16, 1997

Kuku the cockatoo Birthday - January 5, 1997

Rocket the blue jay Birthday - March 12, 1997

Stinger the scorpion Birthday - September 29, 1997

Tracker the bassett hound Birthday - June 5, 1997

Wise the owl Birthday - May 31, 1997

Whisper the deer Birthday - April 5, 1997

Congratulations.........Wise the Owl!! You were voted Favorite Beanie!
Wise the owl May 31, 1997

Links to other sites on the Web

Visit the Original TY Homepage
More links
The Official Beanie Babie List ty.taken
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Please read these rules

Auctions and Trading

I'm sorry for the delay on posting the new beanies. Thank you, Beanies United

LAST UPDATE 07/24/98

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Beanies United

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