You Might have noticed that I havn't updated the page for quite some time. I've been super busy with school, friends, after school stuff, site fights and stuff like that, but I'm really trying to give it a magor update now! So if you come back and the colors are all diffrent, remember, I'm just experimenting! Don't forget the sign the srawlwall!!



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**NEW** I just got a really cool thing called a slam book. It's where you fill out the questions it ask's you and you can read what other's have written for answers!! So please take not even 5 mins to fill it out! Thanx!! :o)

View My SlamBook! | Sign My SlamBook!

Since I don't yet have a scanner, I adopted a Tom Boy to look like me! It's not exact, but at least you have a somewhat blurry picture in your mind of what I would look like if I were a cartoon! by the way, her name is Pigtails!! ;-)

As you can see I've got a new Guestbook! I found the other geocities one hard view since it was all one page and it had all the great graphics from the Wee Ones and Fairies! If you've already signed my guestbook, Please sign it again!! Thanks!! :o)

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This is my old guestbook. I'll leave it on for awhile if you want to look at it.

View Guestbook

Well, I've changed my Midi again! This time to I'll never Break your heart by BSB :)

In Memory of John Lennon


"Give peace a chance"

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