You could win my award!

You could win my award very easily. But I do have a few rules!
~You must have a homepage.
~It must be your own web page, not a friends.
~It must have no porn or other gross things.
~All links must work.
~You must promise a link back!

******If you do not hear from me within a week please do not e-mail me saying "Where's my Award?". Becasue if you do not hear from me within a week you didn't win. Ok? Good! GOOD LUCK! ******

If your web page is all of the rules, fill out the form! If the form doesn't work, then e-mail me with your: Name, E-mail Address, Homepage Title, and your Homepage URL! Good luck!

Your full name:
Your email address: (e.g.:

Homepage Title:
What is Your Homepage URL:

Which award would you like?
Why do you think you should win this award:

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Winners of My Award!
You are the number: person to try to win my award!
Just kidding you really are the number cool person to try to win my award!