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A hen recently laid two eggs. Two VERY special eggs. But the poor hen did not survive, she died, leaving her two chicks to never know their mother. Now the eggs are up for adoption so that the chicks can have a nice home with a VERY nice mommy and/or daddy. If the eggs are treated nicely they will hatch into baby chicks. If the eggs are not treated properly they will be a rotten egg. To adopt and egg just e-mail me and I will see if you are a good parent or not. Plus I will see if your "home (page)" is suttible for a baby chick to grow up in.

Here are the steps to becoming a parent:

1. Choose which egg you would like.

2. E-mail the adoption agency (me) telling them (me) the following things:
Your Name:
Homepage Title:
Homepage URL:
Which egg do you want (#1 or 2):

3. Take this sign and when the adoption is complete put it on your homepage with a link back to mine so more people can adopt eggs!