Me and My Sis!

Wasn't I a cute baby?

I'm the weird one in my family.

I'm Annie and my sister is Molly and my dog is Sandy.

Please Take The Time To Visit My Spirit Page!

Thanks to everyone who voted for me! I moved up! But I haven't moved up high enough. I'm currently at Mama Right, it is based on a 10 points system and I need 10 points! It's up to you to get me there! Thank You! Please vote!
I recently made an adoption page click here to adopt an egg!
Yeah you! Waz up? Ok you guys I haven't updated in THE LONGEST time! I was reading this thing and it was from June! JUNE 1999!!!!!! Oh yeah today is March 22nd 2000. I haven't updated in a long time either, I dunno I guess my heart isn't into it anymore, but guess what? I want to make a new page! I just don't know what to call it, so if you think of one give a ring. AnnieW98@aol.com or JudyPeeches@aol.com either one is fine JUST E-MAIL ME! Well, I guess that's it. ADIOS!
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This is my ColorFae! Isn't she cool? I love her! Her name is Felicity and her favorite color is green!

Thank you Wendy for my very first Spirit Flower!
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