
Welcome! Never fear...Come in...come in...

Hey Mon! Hey Cath! Aloha Flis! And yes, HELLO Claire, Fabian, Kim, and ANYONE ELSE who would like to be said a special "hello" to.

Hello, I am the Timemistress... This is a portal to other worlds, in the past, present, or future. The portal is gradually expanding, giving you access to many worlds. Make your choice.

This is the page ALL ~about~ fabian. I'm just doing this to show I ~care~. (snigger snigger.)
. This is probably the only serious part of my page. But please go here. And read what it says. Thank you.
. Please, don't be offended by these limericks. And remember: I did NOT make these up. Ok?
. this is a picture that I did like, a year ago. I just loaded it up so I could show my friend the Flea how it was done. : ) hi flea!

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Thanx Kim, SO much for this background, even though you don't know I put it on here... *sheepish grin*.

Fool! You have not left! Why do you linger here in my dwelling?? Be-gone! Off with you! So... it seems you want to stay. You will see, they will ALL see... BWA HA HA HA HAAA! Come a little bit closer, dear. Closer...closer... HA HA HA HA HAA! I have you now! Go, in peace. *puff of smoke* //The timemistress is from Oz. Her real name is famous. Her age is classic.//

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