Links to Interesting Web Sites.

Totally Confused.Org
Lax Kxeen Elementary School.
Theremin Enthusiasts Club International.
My Links Page at Citytel
Prince Rupert Virtual City
Corvette Fantasy
Royal Order of Computer Nerds
The model magazine of Prince Rupert's Bob Pearson
The Undecideds Prince Rupert's R n' B band.
RCA Theremin Pictures of My Theremin
Rebels Slo-Pitch Team.
Royal Order of the Laughing Cavalier
Lobster Blast.
Completely Plugged Television Special.
Sample Grade 4 Quiz
The Future

Funny Moments in Teaching
Teacher: Your library book has been overdue for 2 months. Do you know where it is?
Student: I left it in a puddle, and now the puddle is frozen over, and I can't get it out!
Education Jokes
A student was having a great deal of trouble learning arithmetic. After trying many strategies, the parents sent the child to a Catholic school. At the end of the first day, the student came straight home and did three hours of arithmetic homework. When the parents asked why he was trying so hard, the student answered, "When I saw that guy on the wall nailed to the plus sign, I knew they were serious!"

........ was looking through a local paper, the Utah County Journal, when I ran across an article outlining some of the agreements in a 1923 elementary school teacher's contract for female teachers teaching in Payson City, Utah.

1. Teacher is not to get married. This contract becomes null and void if teacher marries.
2. Teacher is not to keep the company of men.
3. Teacher must be home between the hours of 8 P.M. and 6 A.M. unless in attendance at a school function.
4. Teacher may not loiter downtown in ice cream parlors.
5. Teacher may not leave town at any time without permission of the Chairman of the Board of Trustees.
6. Teacher is not to smoke cigarettes or drink wine, beer or whiskey.
7. Teacher may not ride in a carriage with any man except her brother or father.
8. Teacher is not to dress in bright colors.
9. Teacher may not dye her hair.
10. Teacher will not wear dresses more than two inches above the ankle.
11. Teacher is to wear at least two petticoats.
12. Teacher is to bring a bucket to school to clean and scrub the building every week.

1965 Ford Falcon 1961 Corvette

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