Hi! Welcome to my webpage. My name is Pratik Thaker, and I am a 14 year old student, studying in the Cambridge High School Dubai.

Most of this page is still under construction, so some of the links below will take you to an under construction page. Infact, I was busy in building my Mom's, and my Dad's website. And after that I was busy in writing an article for Micro-Light, an online science magazine.

Just use the navigational system below, to browse my site. Move your mouse over the buttons to see the decription of the page, and left-click to go to the page.

Move your mouse over any buton to get the description, and left-click to go there.

Well, as I said, some of the links above might not be working, so do come back later. I'll get all of them working asap.

By the way, if you want to contact me, or if you want
to report any problems or errors, you can E-mail me.

Or you can just Sign my guestbook or View it .

See ya soon!!!!!

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