Gordie Howe - 04/28/00 05:20:34
My Email:no telling
Where you from?: Miami
this website sucks
it is so sucky
i dont like it at all
plz improve it or else
suck my dick
Cory - 03/13/00 04:59:05
My Email:nope
Where you from?: LBC
it was not bad but on the other hand it sucked
Max - 02/24/00 07:17:04
My URL:http://www.4roadkrew.com
My Email:therealdeal_69@hotmail.com
Where you from?: Kanata
Iam insulted!!! you put 4 road you and Jem represent, how about me!! remember who made the 4 road crew up,and who has lived and four road the longest., You guys are still rookies and amateurs, Du coming from Ladner and jem coming from,..like 9 road. U se
people i, max have lived the longest in 4 road and I think I deserve a lot of credit and Respect!!
Dan Automatic - 02/12/00 18:58:45
My URL:http://come.to/theluckyman
My Email:weirdo_38@hotmail.com
Where you from?: canada.
hey durango. nice update. yeah. nice new section too. kinda looks like my useless information page doesn't it? *biter*. well that's it.
Jembroni - 02/01/00 07:34:35
My URL:http://www1.communityconnect.com/Members/Me/personalpage.html?MEMBER=KRaYzEe_AzN-6o4
My Email:krayzie_jce@hotmail.com
Where you from?: yo moms house. j/j
dang yo! hehhe... wassup du? hows life? good. well... juss sayin hi... bye!
mr. fury - 01/28/00 00:09:45
My URL:http://come.to/theluckyman
My Email:weirdo_38@hotmail.com
Where you from?: from you.
what's up with the wack panda durango? you look like gunn, not a bamboo-eating mammal.
KrayzeeJayScee - 12/26/99 03:31:10
Where you from?: 4 road! i live near u du! haha
hey du! since we live near eachother, i think that itz ur turn tah start runnin to ma place! hehe. i cant picture that. but hey! it juss might happen. well ya i just felt like signing ur book because it looks really sad. im sorry but its true. dont take i
seriously tho becuase you know me--im so krayzee. okay that wuz juss so gay! ya newaiise i saw this dope coat today and i think im gonna get it tomorrow. no you didnt need to know that but ah well. who cares? ya this is boring so ill leave now! bye du! a
d by tha way: thats tha coolest panda ever! ha!
krayzeejayscee bka jem.
Kim - 11/29/99 02:18:48
hehe hey durango!! i saw your pathetic little g-book and i felt so bad so i had to write in it!! anyway..it's time we updated the good ol' profile on kim, dont yah think? it's getting so old.. and take those ugly pics off!!! *grrrr* anyway..it's so cold i
my house..my house is soo damn defective, i swear...the heat's not working...want my house? i'll sell it to you.... cOuChEs and all!!! =) sheeeit....my hands are like frozen..anyway...go out with us more dude! or....do you need more people at mcdicks? i
eed $$ for christmas shopping...=) oh well..ok i'm out...buhbye!!
love always,
Durango - 09/29/99 16:24:39
no one ever signs my guestbook!! what is up with that!!
Donate Free Food - 08/25/99 22:41:40
My URL:http://www.thehungersite.com/index.html
Good work, congratulations....
![]() |
nO i wiLL NOT caLL u duRaNgO! sheesh jEff.. anyway.. wussup bOi!?!? hOW u b doin.. ita b i caM n im just droppin u a line to saY wussup n whutnOT... i cant believe i actually goT a shout OuT! but all i gOT wus a fReaKin HELLO!!! i gotta have a tALk with y
U mister! then it caN say.. CAMILLE: wussup to the dopest person i know.. yea yeA! hehehe jokes.. n u spelled caTs name wrOng! gEez.. so anyway.. i just gOtta give u madd props on yer page cuz its sOoOOOoOooOx1000 fuNnie! i swear on my shit.. i was like l
ughin my head off tha whole tiME.. since ths moment it sed.. YES I AM THAT UGLY!! till when it sed wOW! it actually worKS! hehehehe.. well imma jets nOw.. so buh bye sweetie! ill see u at our kewl familia partiEs where we just sit there n watch u get yer
sses kicked at mah-jOng! heheh.. mucH love n i b OuTs.. pAyce
~caM bkA.. yer favoriTE cuz!! =)
Steph - 07/07/99 09:21:52
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Hollywood/Makeup/7029/index.html
My Email:hehe
Where you from?: somewhere OUTSIDE the richmond safety bubble
heylo durangoo...
nice page...good lord, you like jessica alba too?! is there a guy who DOESN'T like her?! jees...anyways, yeah...knicks suck, spicestreet rocks, and stewie's head is FOOTBALL, not a damn lemon!
Jovy - 05/05/99 02:55:53
My Email:me@me.com
hey durango!
kick ass page!!!! haha I like ur picture, with the horns and everything, haha. I really like the actresses part of the page! keep it up T.
hi - 05/03/99 04:40:47
My Email:hi
Where you from?: hi
BaBybYaTcH bka KiM! - 05/02/99 22:22:25
My Email:BaBybYaTcH@crazysexycool.com
Where you from?: Earth!!!
hey durango....you lazyass!!! and i thought i was lazy...i guess that was before i met.....you!!! hehe..anyway...stop sleepin that much...and yeah..well i'm out for now, later!!!
Jeff - 05/02/99 02:35:40
My URL:http://www.ohgodyou know already.
My Email:weirdo_38@hotmail.com
Where you from?: canada
hey durango! wat a dope page. i really...enjoy your content and whatnot. i like the actresses. tee hee. and just as i always say, you are the funniest kid i know, and you will never fail to impress me with your laziness and eating habits. cottage cheese i
deed, durango.
Killah_cam - 05/01/99 18:35:43
My URL:http://you know what it is....
My Email:killah_cam@hotmail.com
Where you from?: www.miss-x.com
great page jeff.....except that the pics are fucked up, dude. next year the grizzlies are gonna rule the world, ya heard!!!!
Killah_cam - 05/01/99 18:35:33
My URL:http://you know what it is....
My Email:killah_cam@hotmail.com
Where you from?: www.miss-x.com
great page jeff.....except that the pics are fucked up, dude. next yer the grizzlies are gonna rule the world, ya heard!!!!
Durango - 05/01/99 18:28:16
My Email:durango2@hotmail.com
Where you from?: richmond