Labay Junior High School
15435 Willow River Dr.
Houston, TX 77095

This School's Web Page is under Heavy Construction
and is Updated Frequently.

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General Information

Administrative Team

Awards and Honors

Labay's Mission Statement

The primary mission of the staff of Labay Junior High is to provide an educational program that will help each student to develop personal knowledge, skills, and competence to maximum capacity, and to learn behavior patterns which will make each student a responsible member of society. We accept the responsiblity to create this environment and provide the opportunity for all students to learn.


Labay Junior High, home of the "Eagles," opened in August, 1985. Our school is named for Allen F. Labay, who served as a Cypress Fairbanks I.S.D. Superintendent from 1977 to 1985. During the 1988-1989 school year, Labay was recognized as a National Exemplary School. In the school year of 1992-1993, Labay was recognized by the U.S. Department of Education as a National Blue Ribbon School. Today, the staff, students, and community continue the excellent, established tradition that "Success Starts Here."


Labay Junior High students' academic performance and achievement level reflect excellence in learning and attainment of both high expectations and high standards in academic, elective, and athletic learning.

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