Welcome to the St. George Community Access Internet Camp!

The St. George Community Access Centre, located in St. George, New Brunswick (Canada) hosted a series of Internet camps between July 6 and August 14, 1998.  BUT THE FUN ISN'T OVER!
Our program was such a success that we will continue to add new links.
Click on the links for fun and adventure.

Visitors to this site  

Try out our new chat room. You must have Internet Explorer 3.02 or higher or Netscape 4X to participate in the Chat Room. Please be patient while the java applet loads.

Email:  townsende@fundytek.nb.ca

Amazing Animals

Meet Koko the gorilla.

Koko communicates to people through sign language, and recently had her own Internet chat (with a little help). She has her own email address, a pet cat named Smokey, and paints pictures!

Ever wonder what a bee can see? It isn't pretty! No wonder bees sting people. We are absolutely ugly to them.Go to Bee Vision to find out how bees look at the world.

Virtual pets are a lot of fun.

Adopt a chick  

Swine Online is great , but if you don't want to be "piggy" about things you can download a demo of cats and dogs at Petz.

Fun with Paper
Spies & Detectives
On-line games
Our project scrapbook

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