Please rank this site.
Doodle Bug's
Scavenger Hunt
The rules are:
There are NO EXCEPTIONS to these rules. Read carefully!
NO Copywrited items (unless stated otherwise).
NO Trademarked items (unless stated otherwise).
The first email we recieve with the correct items found is winner.
If you send attachments in email you will be disqualified.
All items should be in links to the pages where the items were found.
DO NOT send the images or other items in attachments in email.
Images can NOT be found on Doodle Bug's Play Ground site.
All items must NOT contain explicit or graphic sexual nature.
All items must NOT contain foul language.
The winners name will be added to winners section and will remain there
until the 26th winner is added. Names will be rotated
off at count 26. You can play each game and win. If you win
more than 5 times in a row your name will ONLY appear 5 times.
But play as often as you like.
We reserve the right to disqualify or accept any contestant entry.
You have to SIGN the guestbook at the bottom of this page to be
eligable to play Scavenger Hunt. This allows us
to know who the contestants are.
If your site is not kids safe.
Please don't add your URL to the guestbook.
I only ask this because this is a kids safe site.
We have certain guidelines to follow. Parents want their
children to have a safe place to play
on the internet. If you put your URL in the guestbook
(I do check out all URLs),
I will have to remove the URL in your entry.
We will link to your homepage,
if you have a kids safe site when you win,
if you desire it. If your site is not a kids safe site this
WILL NOT be done.
DISCLAIMER: We are not responsible for the site you enter. Copywrites and Trademarks require permission to use.
We do not discriminate against sex, color, religion, preferences, or creed.
I'm sending everyone to 3 different Kids site. On each site you will have
to sign their guestbook. Put the word HUNT in your comment about their site.
IT MUST have more then just the word HUNT in it to be valid.
( great site I like to hunt different sites up.) Something like this will do.
Then fill out the form or email me with your answers to the 3 questions I ask you.
Site 1:
Tell me what is in the middle of the swimming pool on this page.
Don't forget to sign the guestbook. We do check!
Site 2:
Tell me what color the words VIEW MY GUEST BOOK.
Don't forget to sign the guestbook. We do check!
Site 3:
Tell me what Pooh bear is saying at the very bottom of the page next
to the counter. Don't forget to sign the guestbook. We do check!
My Guestbook
My Guestbook
So you found all the things ask for? Good for you! Fill out the form below
or e-mail me with all the details!
Results from last game and winners name.
For Questions or/ Comments Please Email Us:
Copyright by Doodle©
Doodle Bug's Productions 1999™
All rights reserved. No part of this page may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any electronic or mechanical means, including photocopying, recording, or by any information
storage and retrieval system, without the written permission of
Doodle Bug's Production 1999™, except where permitted by law.