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Follow That Bird!

Sesame Street

While Searching the 'net I realized there were no sites dedicated to Sesame Street's first movie "Follow That Bird". So this is my site dedicated to it.

The All Movie Guide description of "Sesame Street Presents: Follow That Bird".

Songs from the movie: All sounds are zipped .wav files created by me. All lyrics are from The Sesame Street Lyric Archive.

Grouch Anthem lyrics sound
Ain't No Road To Long lyrics sound
Easy Goin' Day lyrics sound
One Little Star lyrics sound
I'm So Blue lyrics sound
Upside Down World lyrics sound

Coming Soon
Transcripts of scenes from the movie with sounds.
Other sounds from the movie.

Email me at If you have a favorite sound or scene from the movie and want a transcription/sound file, I'm taking requests. Also, I don't have any pictures from "Follow That Bird" except for one of the movie's box. If you have any please send them my way. Thanks.

people have "Followed That Bird".

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Sesame Street and the Sesame Street Muppets are registered trademarks of CTW and the Jim Henson Company. This fan page is in no way affiliated with the Children's Television Workshop or Jim Henson.


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