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Once Upon a Time, A Journey Along the ET Highway With Benji and Katie

First Hand ET Highway Experience, Request for Membership in the ET Highway Experience Association, State of Nevada Department of Tourism

Once upon a time people everywhere in Las Vegas were talking about the ET Highway. That is all I would hear about at work, and then come home and listen to my kids, Karina and Sharon, chatter about what they learned at school that day about UFOs, ET Highway, Area 51, etc. My wife started watching a lot of shows on channel 5 here in Las Vegas like the "X Files", and also "Mr. Knapp" on the Channel 8 News. I finally decided that I had to travel the ET Highway to see for myself what everyone was talking about.

I asked my wife and kids one evening at dinner if they wanted to go with me for a few days and meet some Aliens, UFOs, and "Camo-Dudes" on the ET Highway, once the weather got cool. Fall is a wonderful time to tour and visit Western Nevada. “Awe dad come on, I can’t go on a trip now! I have basketball practice and all - you know...” my eldest daughter Karina whined. No one wanted to go, which truthfully made things easy since I didn't now have to worry about school schedules and so forth. I phoned my supervisor for leave from work and got a few days off to go, by myself.

Something was going on with the phone because I heard all kinds of noises, like dogs happily barking, far in the background when I talked with my boss about sightseeing on the ET Highway. As soon as I left the house at 4 am the morning of October 13, I sensed that I was being watched and followed. (Indeed, my wife later told me, that while I was gone she had to call the Telephone Repair because of continual interference on our phone calls). My 1982 truck ran perfectly for the first time as long as I can remember. I was on my way heading north on the U.S. 95 under a beautiful starlit morning sky.

Half the way between Beatty and Las Vegas, near the Nevada Test Site, a time warp occurred. All of a sudden it was daylight and I was driving into Beatty. The time was 10 in the morning! I pulled into the "Beatty General Store" to fill up with gas. As I cleaned the windshield I noticed strange dog paw prints on the glass. The lady in the store gave me a receipt which I have enclosed, and I was on my way.

Now the story really gets good: I left the U.S. 95 at Tonopah and started on the U.S. 6 headed to Warm Springs. Just east of Tonopah, I drove off the 6 and set up camp in a beautiful little valley. As sunset was coming, two UFOs darted from the south and hovered over me. One landed a distance away and the other right next to my truck. The closest craft set fire to the bushes it landed on and immediately two dogs appeared.

One, a black dog with a white face, appeared with the craft but sat a little away from my truck. An all white dog landed farther away and was "over-watching" my camp site. I immediately ran to the truck and grabbed my camera. I took pictures of the dogs and of the one space craft nearest my truck.


And Two Aliens!

The black dog then came into camp, sat with me, and spoke: "We will accompany you on your ET Highway Experience and help you enjoy a wonderful journey into this beautiful land that we too are visiting for a time". The dogs told me that they were from "Near By" what ever that meant? "My partner and I appear to you as "Mans' Best Friend" so you can feel true companionship with us during our journey". I welcomed both of them and invited them to stay in camp that evening. "Thank you, but I am concerned about leaving our crafts out in the open" spoke the white dog. "I'll put them in the back of my pickup and both of you can ride up front with me for the rest of this trip" I said. "That way we can talk about the sights along the way" I told them as I unrolled my sleeping bag and settled in for a night under the stars. They liked my idea of how to get the UFOs out of sight and said "ok".

Once the crafts cooled I picked them up and put them into the back of the pickup. The dogs talked with me until I fell asleep. They really appreciated traveling on the ground for a change and enjoying everything in our world so closely. I thought that they would have chit-chatted on and on about the beautiful stars above us and would have told me how much they know that I don't. Instead, they belabored talking and asking questions about the qualities of the sage brush and other beautiful attributes of our Silver State. "We are pleased to have chosen you to journey with to see first hand this beautiful land" were the last words I remember hearing from the Black Dog before falling asleep.

The next day our trip towards the beautiful area of Warm Springs was fascinating. The dogs rode up front on the seat with me. I can go on and on about all they saw and all the questions they asked me. We stopped for lunch at what appeared to be another UFO waiting to take off on a launch pad along the side of the road. The dogs posed in front of it and my truck for a picture. Then we continued onto Warm Springs.

UFO Ready to Launch!

We stopped again for a break at the Warm Springs turn off onto, finally, the Nevada 375 - the infamous "Extraterrestrial Highway". The dogs were excited to see it from the ground as we left the U.S. 6.

The Extraterrestrial Highway

As we traveled south and approached the eastern boundary of Area 51 the dogs became quiet and acted very different from the talkative and inquisitive behavior they had earlier. (You know, how can I explain, it now seems like when I would take my kids somewhere when they asked their mother if they could go and she said no, then they would ask me, not only fib and tell me it's ok with mom, but also get me to drive them! I had the same feelings with these two Aliens). They really clamed up when a white bus with blacked out windows passed us as it went north the other way. To this day I am sure these Aliens were being naughty, and that Area 51 was involved some way.

We passed the road sign that said "Rachel 20 Miles" and the Black Dog started talking to me in a real low voice while the White Dog looked around all over the place. Both had their ears down. "Ah we have to stop here and leave, hah hah, I mean please, like right now!!!" the Black Dog said. "We better get back home" the White Dog said.

I stopped along the road in a good clear area and took their UFOs out of the back of the truck and placed them about 30 feet away and off the side of the road. The two dogs thanked me so much for my companionship and each rubbed against me in a loving way to say good bye. I caught for a moment the white dog looking at my license plate as if memorizing it. They disappeared in front of me, and the two crafts took off without any sound. I watched their flight as they streaked west into the sunset, into Area 51.

I Watched Their Flight as They Streaked West into the Sunset, into Area 51

The last thing that I remember while standing there along the road was a guy in a large farm truck driving by smiling and waving at me. I waved back and then felt very alone. I figured that the truck driver probably lived around Rachel and saw UFOs taking off from the side of the road all the time, so no big deal. The next thing I knew I was driving into the Rachel Mini Mart to buy gas. I was starving and had started growing a beard! The lady in the store nonetheless was very polite to me and gave me a receipt, which I have enclosed. It said October 16 which was Thursday. The Aliens left me on the Tuesday afternoon of the 14th! Another time warp!

I drove back to Las Vegas that evening with no further incidents for what was suppose to have been just a simple two day near home sight seeing trip. After leaving Rachel, I really loved seeing the fall colors at the Nevada State Park near Alamo and Ash Springs just before sunset. Back at work, UFO experts told me that the time warps were real and were caused by the antigravity propulsion fields from the space crafts. Also, they believed and explained to me, that the Aliens were probably getting bored being cooped-up in a hangar somewhere and like me wanted to see first hand and be close to Western Nevada, a beautiful land, if for only a short time to experience its fall colors. Those two Aliens probably got sneaky and started snooping with the phones and just happened to over hear that I was "Going to Really Get Out There and Experience the ET Highway".

My family gave me the "sure, right" response when I told them about my trip. For some reason, however, my eldest daughter now keeps bugging me to start looking for and to adopt two dogs to be our pets. "Awe dad come on, one can keep the other company - you know...". I haven't asked her yet if she, for some strange reason, is experiencing some more "alien" desires, maybe she is feeling that one dog should be white and the other dog black - with a white face? - of course!

Daughters Sharon and Terresa in the "Dad, We Want Something" Mode

December 25,1997, Merry Christmas and you won’t believe what showed up at our house last evening! Maybe you would; you guessed it a white dog and a black dog - with a white face of course. The two are here to stay, and indeed they add something that has been missing in our family? My two daughters are ecstatic that “their dreams have been answered”. Everyone should have a few extraterrestrial aliens in the household. It sure will keep things interesting here for the days to come. I am sure that this story now has a happy ending, and that we all will live happily ever after.

Daughters Welcoming the First Extraterrestrial Aliens on Our Block, and Our New Family Additions too! December 25, 1997

Sharon and the White Dog Alien

One of Typical Biweekly Extraterrestrial Craft Landings in Our Back Yard. Our Alien's Friends and Family Keep in Touch and Stop By Every Now and Then

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