Another pony enters you pathway. She intraduces herself as Baby Quackers. "Hi!" she exclaims. "Thanks for, quack, coming by! This is the place to, quack, get all the information you need on, quack, cleaning ponies! And, Napper has discovered a cure for eye rust! Quack! So, read on! Also, if you have any tips for the rest of, quack, us, please send them to Napper'll put a link to your site (if applicable), and give you credit. Thanks!"
Thanks to Ivy for the Baby Quackers pic!

Condition: Light to heavy surface dirt
Solution: Toothbruch with soap on it. I would recommend a newer toothbrush, they take the dirt of so much better! Dosen't have to be fancy, just somewhat new. Scrub the pony well, then rinse. Dry throughly, as to prevent tail rust (ugg).

Condtion: Frizzy/Stiff hair.
Solution: Conditioner. I've found that Herebal Essences works best. It holds nicly and does the job beautifully! Don't bother with shampoo, just use the conditioner. After conditioning, dry well. Put mane in a roller, to give it that curl. For the tail, do the same, but not all the way up to the base. This works well for stiff hair, you might have to repeat two or three times for frizzies.

Condition: Tail Rust
Solution: ??? Help me out here!

Condition: Eye Rust
Solution: Baking Soda! Works wonders. You will need a small, child sized toothbrush, to get in the corners of their eyes. Take liberal amounts of baking soda, and scrub those eyes! It might take a while, but scrub plenty of it. Rinse often, when most of the bakig soda is dissolved. Dry well with a towel. I did this with a poor Baby Half note. My, she looks better!The rust wasn't jsut ont he eyelid, it was on the eyeball as well. She's one of my prettist babies now!

Condition: Ink marks
Solution: Some people will paint over them with acrilylic paint (I've way too scared), and others will try to fade them out. There's no sure fire way that I know of. Anyone?

Condition: Missing tail
Soulution: Best way to go is to get a new one. For information on replacing talis and manes with or without real pony hair, go to Mary Anne's Puzzelment.

Condition: Chipped eyes
Solution: Repaint time! Acrylic paint works best. Find the closest color you can, and then carefully aplly a thin coat of paint to the missing spot. When it has dried, carefully paint a laler of clear nail polish on the eye.

Any more pony scrapes you can thinks of? Send them to me @

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