This is Kiara Abigail. She was born on March 15, 2000. She was 5 lbs. and 14 oz. and 19 1/2 inches long. |
Isn't it amazing the positions they sleep in! |
Snoozing while Daddy's holding her. Kiara's about 8 days old here. |
I love this picture, it looks like she's posing for something. :o) |
Scott and I aren't sure why, but we seem to be really good at getting bald babies! Big Stretch baby girl! |
Can you tell I loved this outfit? Not to mention that it was one of the few that fit her since she was so tiny! Her daddy picked this out while she was still in the hospital. |
Kiara's only a few days old here and she sure doesn't look happy to be disturbed! |