Hey! Is that a camera? I love those things, can I try it? |
Giddy up! Look at me, Mom! |
Let me out! I'm innocent, I swear I didn't do it! :o) |
Alright, just one more pose and then I have to go, I'm very busy! |
Brandon didn't like his cake at first, but once he tasted the frosting, he didn't take his fingers out of his mouth! |
Brandon got bored watching me pack, so he decided to use one of the boxes as a new favorite. |
Brandon loves his Tonka, especially for running over toys and people's toes. |
Some friends of ours got this duck as a gift for their son and Brandon couldn't leave it alone. |
Brandon tried to "help" us blow up the balloons for his BDay party. |
Brandon was scared of the tunnels at first, but after some experimenting he found out he liked them! |
What?! Quit bugging me Mom! I am VERY busy right now! |
Brandon got a huge bruise right between the eyes when we were home for XMas. |
Brandon got so dirty eating that we had to hose him down in the kitchen sink. |
Here I come Mom! |