Brandon~Two and after...
This was the picture we had done of Brandon when he turned two, isn't he a handsome guy!!
This was the picture that was done for gymnastics.  They had to bribe him to hold still, so if you look closely he's holding a sucker.  :o)
This picture was taken shortly after Kiara was born.  I was taking pictures of her and he asked me to take pictures of him using the keys for his car.  :o)
We're not sure why, but now when you ask Brandon to smile, he bares his teeth.  He's such a cutie!
Our "cool dude" on our visit to Grandma's house.  Luckily he's one of those rare kids who actually LIKES hats and glasses!  LOL
Brandon "reading" or actually eating while playing with his "Cheerio's Playbook."
One of those rare times that Brandon's not moving!  LOL
Background by BACKGROUNDS, ETC.