Brandon's First Homepage

Hi! I'm Brandnzmom.

This page was last updated in September, 2002. I'm trying to do some major alterations, so please stop back! Also, please visit Brandon's little sister's site (*caution* It's under construction)! Her link is down below.

Backgrounds and graphics are from Grandma George's House, Animation Grove, Becki's Garden, Homespun Originals, Country Heart Designs, Moose Creek Originals, Animation Factory, A Touch of Country and Backgrounds, Etc. Please visit their sites. Like some of the special effects and components? Check out Dynamic Drive for free scripts!

Grandma George's House
Becki's Garden
Animation Grove
Homespun Originals
Country Heart Designs
Moose Creek Originals
Animation Factory
A Touch of Country
Backgrounds, Etc.
Dynamic Drive

These are the pages I've created about Brandon and his adventures with friends and family.
Brandon's First Soccer Game!
Four Years Old Already!
December 2001 Christmas Program
My 3 year pictures!
Brandon's First Stitches
Brandon~Two years old till now
Brandon Finger Painting~8/12/00
Brandon's First Year
Brandon's First Year continued...
Jan. and Feb. 1999 photos of Brandon
My new baby sister, Kiara Abigail
My Grandparents
My Aunts, Uncles, and Cousins

Kiara's HideawayVisit my baby sister's site

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