Welcome to my page of Odds and Ends EDIT:!!! October 2005 Hi! Five years later, and I'm still around, though haven't done much work on the website I'm afraid. (Sorry) Anyway, am now back in to the swing of things and plan on updating the website with loads of new information and a new look. :) My email address has changed, SO PLEASE.... if you would like to email, please use tracy@outwood13.worldonline.co.uk and NOT any of the email links on the pages. Thanks Although my page was originally intended as a quick starting point for me to reach all of my favorite sites, it has grown and developed into something much more special. Please feel free to browse the collection of my own work, as well as the links provided below |
This is ELBETH, the ELF, who was adopted through Dwombat's Adoption Agency. She is here to guide and protect you as you visit my page. |
This is EDGAR, adopted from Catz. He actually lives on my desktop, but he got jealous of Elbeth being on the web page and insisted I put him on the page too!. As a virtual pet, he needs constant attention, feeding, playing with, grooming, petting and caring for. Interested in adopting a virtual pet? I will be including an adoption form soon, otherwise, take a detour to www.petz.com for more information. |
COMING SOON!! The buttons on the right reflect
the pages which I am currently working on. Please bookmark this page and visit often so
that you can see the updates!! Please be sure to sign the Guest Book at the
end of the page. Enjoy, Merry Meet, and Blessed Be! |
NEW! Added 1st September (Happy Spring Day, South Africa!) TarotChat is a newsgroup where you can get exercises, meditations,
practice tarot readings, discussion and debate on the cards. We are currently moving through the Fool’s
Journey… 22 members chose a Major Arcana Card and shows how the card fits
in with the sequence of the other cards.
Sound interesting? Why not
check out the TarotChat Home Page? |
Divination and Other Interesting stuff
The Matrix Oracles - Incredible
Divination Page
Allgrowth - The Place for self development
Josephine's Homepage - Personality tests etc.
Absolutely FABULOUS Interactive
Online-Oracle (I-ching)
Share - Holistic Health Magazine
The World Wide On Line Meditation Center
Witchs Brew - This wiccan site has more than a
million hits each month.
Frequently Asked Questions (and answers) about
the Wiccan religion
Wicca... what it is, and what it isn't
The Magik Toadstool/Full Moon Rising
Amethystfire's Wiccan Sanctuary
Soulstar Spiritual Adventures - Free online manual
Reiki 1 - Online
directory and information
Penny's Garden - Lots of nice information, especially on Reiki
Michele's Tarot Page - Great Deck Reviews
Joan Bunning - On-line tarot course
TarotMystic - Information on symbolism
Facade.com - Free on-line readings with a
selection of decks
Mary Greer - Tools and Rites of Transformation
Buddhist Thinking
Osho Live .. The sound of one hand clapping
Buddhanet - The graphix are out of this world
General - Loads of FREE GOODIES!
Blue Mountain Art - FREE online greeting cards.
Amazon Books - Great way to order books
What's happening in RI - Local Holistic Scene
Amanda's Page Guardian Adoptions
souls have fluttered through this page
since March 4, 1999
Please come back soon, as I am always adding new
sites and information.
Thanks to Mordrid's Wacky for my first award!
Merry Meet and Blessed Be!
Page of Odds and Ends (Links) Tarot
| Major Arcana | Minor Arcana Symbols
in Tarot | Repeated
Cards | Free
Tarot Readings
Disclaimer The information contained in these pages is presented for your entertainment and introspection. It does not constitute nor replace professional advice from qualified sources regarding health, finances, or other matters. Tarot (and Reiki) are available to us as tools to reinforce positive life patterns and personal strengths. They are not substitutes for common sense, hard work, nor responsible actions. I am not responsible for the content of sites linked from "Tracy's Page of Odds and Ends". All text, graphics and other content of these pages are the property of Tracy Wilson. All tarot card images were used courtesy of Joan Bunning |
Ó Tracy Wilson 1998,1999 Please do not copy, or use any information on these
homepages without e-mailing first. Please put a link back to this page whenever you have
referred to, or used any of my work. Please mail me if you would like your URL adding to my LINKS site. |