About Me
Name: Diana Dascalu
  Age: 22
  Sign: Taurus

Occupation: Undergraduate Student , 
University of Toronto.
                       My majors are
Physical Anthropology and Linguistics and
                       My  minor is
Semiotics and Communications

Schools I went to: School # 307, Bucharest
                                 Tower Road Elementary School , Halifax - it's haunted!!
                                 Gorsebrook Junior High, Halifax
                                 Earl Haig Secondary School, Toronto

Jobs I  had : Assistant Library Tehnician, Gerstein Library, 2003-
                       Page, North York Central Library, 2000-2004
                      Assistant  Laboratory Technician, ICL, 2001

Places I've lived in: Toronto, Ontario (1998- )
                                    Halifax, Nova Scotia (1993-1998)
                                    Bucharest, Romania (1983-1993)

Countries  I'  visted: Romania, Bulgaria, Italy, Greece, Turkey, Canada, US,  Portugal
Continents  I  want to go visit next:   Africa, South America, Australia

Where I can be reached: dianadas@yahoo.com
Poetry Corner
School Projects
Stories (new and old)
Hobbies and Interests:

Reading, Writing, Jogging, Walks along the Beach , Hiking, Dancing, Driving, TWIN PEAKS, coffee,Tennis, Badminton, and....sleeping!