A new
Guide unit opened in Paull in September 1992 and since there had
never been a Guide unit in Paull before, it was registered as
1st Paull Guides. The new unit thrived, starting with 14 girls,
eleven of whom were aged 10 or 11, and two Guiders, Dianne and
Carol. This new unit was a very busy unit and grew rapidly, and
in those early years went to camp several times, took part in
several District, Division and County events and also formed over
half the party for a Division trip to Switzerland in 1994.
reached a peak of 24 in 1995 and a third Guider, Kay, and a Unit
Helper, Phyllis, joined the ranks, but by 1997 numbers had begun
to fall steadily as the girls grew up or moved away, and with
no more girls of Guide age in the village the unit became more
and more oriented towards the older age group. Although Paull
Guides has always accepted girls from any of the surrounding villages,
with a Guide unit in Hedon with no waiting list and with public
transport to Paull being poor, it was (and still is) easier for
girls from other villages to get to Hedon if they had to travel
by bus and so numbers continued to fall. Even so, the remaining
smaller unit was very active, continuing camping and taking part
in various other outdoor activities, including a water sports
holiday in Wales, and paid another visit to Switzerland in 1997.
July 1999 numbers were down to seven, five of whom were 14 or
over, so after much heart-searching we made the sad but inevitable
decision to close Paull Guides and re-open in September 1999 as
a Ranger unit. Happily, Holderness Rangers continues (2004) to
thrive and most of those original Guides/Rangers are still with
the new unit.
see photos of various activities involving 1st Paull Guides or
to visit the Holderness Rangers' website, click on the appropriate
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