To Laytyn's Birthday Party - Page 2!
These are more pictures from Laytyn's 1st birthday!
Click on any picture to see it full-size.
Here's Laytyn's Elmo Birthday Cake!
Sorry, Daddy! You can't blow out my candle!
Make a wish!
One, Two, Three! Yeah!
MMMM, My cake is good!
We were also celebrating 4 other birthdays. Teresa's
is Oct. 2.
Hannah's is Oct. 6. Jordan's and Mark's is Oct.
I gave Hannah and Jordan a cross-stitch picture I had
made for
their wedding. I just never found a frame for it,
so I gave it to them to frame.
It says "Today, I have married my friend, the one I laugh
with, live for, love.
Hannah and Jordan, Aug. 10, 1996." It's my prized
That's Grandma's new shirt.
Where's Laytyn?
Boo! Here I am!
My little niece is growing up fast!
Laytyn with Mommy and Daddy.
Daddy's tired!
Laytyn with Grandpa Mark and Grandma Teresa.
Uncle Paul and Auntie Adrienne with Laytyn
Great-Grandpa Bill and Great-Grandma Joyce with Laytyn
Here's Laytyn with her mom, Papa, Grandpa, and Great-Grandma
Unfortunately, this is the only picture we could get
of her with them.
She's afraid of them because they have a boxer that scares
This is Hannah's friends, Tiare and Shannan.
Shannan and Hannah have been friends since Kindergarten.
Tiare and Hannah have been friends since Jr. High.