Oh, Canada!
Here are some poems about babies
Cleaning and scrubbing can wait till tomorrow
for babies grow up we learn to our sorrow.
So, quiet down cobwebs, dust go to sleep
I'm rocking my baby and babies don't keep.

Suffer the little Children to come unto me
For such is the kingdom of heaven.

This is Laytyn's guardian angel bear.  She watches over her all the time.

This is Laytyn's birthstone bear.  She has an opal heart.

Here is a sweet baby bear. Click on her certificate to adopt one.

Here is another baby bear.  Click on her announcement to adopt one.

Here is a Canadian bear!  Laytyn's daddy, Jordan, is from Canada.  So, she is half-Canadian.

This is Jordan, my Canada Day Dragon from Darksbane.

This is Laytyn's Watermelon Fairy from Angel Fae.
I wonder what Laytyn will be when she grows up.

Will she be a doctor like Hipocrates?

Will she be a fireman like Dante?

Will she be a policeman like Politi?
Whatever she decides to be, she will be the best there is!