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Tasha is now a first year Junior in Troop 1139 of the Hemlock Council in Pennsylvania. She has been involved in scouts for five years now. She has a new leader this year. This year already looks like it is going to be a lot of fun. She started as a Daisy. Her hobbies are collecting council patches, Brownie ID strips, Junior ID strips, council pins, postcards, dalmatians and Noah's Ark items.

As a Daisy, Tasha went to the 85th Anniversary Sing-Along held in Washington DC. She really enjoyed that.

As a first year Brownie, she earned 15 Try-Its. She went camping for the first time on a weekend camping trip to Camp Lycogis. She enjoyed it so much, that she can't wait to go again this year.

As a second year Brownie, she earned 23 Try-Its and the Girl Scout Cookie Sale Pin.

As a third year Brownie, she earned the remaining 7 Try-its that were available to her.

As a first year Junior, she is looking forward to making new friends and doing alot of new fun things. She is working on her badges and signs.

I love to trade patches, Brownie ID strips, Junior ID strips, Council Camp patches, council pins, and postcards, please

Patch Trading Page!
International Patch Trading Page!
Miscellaneous Patch Trading Page!
My Current Duplicates!
Pin Trading Page!
Camp Patch Trading Page!

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