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A New Little Life

~Sutton Langston Tuck~
Named after his paternal grandfather and great grandfather!!

A little angel to watch over Sutton!!

Thank you for sharing this miracle with Mark and me. Each new life is a miracle but this one is especially a miracle to me since little Sutton will be our last baby and we were blessed with him after losing a baby November 1997. Even though we have every reason to believe everything will be fine, the memory of the baby we lost shadows our hopes and dreams for this new life at times. Each day is a milestone. Each week a relief and each month a cause for celebration. Visit my journal!! I will be keeping an up to date record of my baby and me!! So follow our progress and help us count down the days!!
We now have 0 months, 0 days, 0 hours and 0 minutes before the baby is born....Little Sutton is here!!

Just A Little Tadpole
I just found out about you,
That you're finally on your way,
I am so excited,
I'm not sure what to say!!
I know you're very tiny,
That you're just beginning to form.
But the thought of you inside me,
Makes me feel so cozy and warm!!
I already whisper to you,
You're a part of mommy's soul.
A tiny little baby growing,
My sweet little tadpole.
This poem written by Lynne
-This is an original creation by Copyright
©1999-All rights reserved

Click the to visit my other pages.
Mommy and Baby's Journal
Sutton's Birth Story
Sutton's 1st Year
Sutton's 2nd Year
It's almost here!! Sutton's 3rd Year Coming June 28th!!
Sutton's Picture Album
Sutton's Music Page
Pregnancy Links
The Nursery
My Mommy's Page

.......if I know who visited,
I can drop by and sign yours too!!

friends have dropped in!!
I know my mommy loves me,
She takes good care of me!!
And she made all these great pages,
For everyone to see!!
This poem written by Lynne
-This is an original creation by Copyright
©1999-All rights reserved

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Visit to adopt a little angel!!
This graphics set was created by me!! I created this set just for my new baby, please don't take it!!
~The graphics are all originals on this page and are not for download!!~
This web site was created by CL&M Tuck © 1997, 1998 & 1999, 2000 &2001.
This site was last updated Thursday, September 14, 2001.
Please note: This site is in no way affiliated with Storksite.com or the Wild Wild Web. STORKIE logo, SEYMOUR THE STORK and certain character likeness and character names are trademarks of ©Wild Wild Web and may not be reproduced without the consent of Storksite.com All rights reserved.
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