Spirit, Spirit
My Spirit page is just now beginning to get ready to show. :-) I have many ideas for it, but not enough time to get it all together at once. Please come back and watch it grow! I've got my Support Wall up and going. If you are a supporter, and you don't see your banner, please e-mail with it and the link. I will put it up in no time!
Spirit Gifts Support Wall
I'm looking for some loyal vote exchangers. If you would like to exchange votes with me, please e-mail (bottom of page) or sign my guestbook (back on first page). I will be glad to take a look at your site. If you would like to go ahead and sign up for my reminders please feel free too below!
Weekly reminders
Send a Spirit Flower!
Send a Spirit Flower!

Send a Friendship Bear!
Send a Blooming Basket!

Send a Candle!
Send a Blooming Basket!

TSF Vote Banner Exchange
© 2002 Alec Jay
Last updated: September 19, 2002