I've added a Spirit page. However, I will leave the Spirit book on this page for easier usage.
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Spirit Page
Hello, my name is Alec Jay. I am 3 years old. I am so glad that you came to visit me. I hope you enjoy my page and come back often because I update and add new stuff all the time. I have all kinds of stuff to do for all ages, even you grown ups. :-) I haven't updated my pictures in a while, so maybe that will be my new project this month. I'm really busy with my the Site Fights stuff.

My first year!
1st Birthday
I love animals. I live with several animals, a cat, Tippy, a black lab, Pepper, and a wild dog, Patch. We aren't really sure what Patch is, all we know is that he is wild! Pepper is my dog out of the bunch. I love her alot. I have adopted some pets for my site. I guess you could say I have started a zoo. Please take a look!
Adoption Agency
I just love Blue's Clues. I have serveral Blue's Clues puppies. I'm not sure if I like the new guy (Joe) on there. I make Mama play my video tapes so that I can see Steve. I've gotten a little older and I think Mama is trying to get me off of just Blue's Clues. I actually watch other cartoons now. Mama is so happy with that! I have a couple of Blue's Clues pages. Please visit them!
Blue's Clues
Blue's Clues Webring
Mommy loves to fish. I've gotten where I like to go, but I like to be bossy about holding the pole. I think I'm big enough to hold it all by myself. Mommy doesn't think so. I just like to cast it and reel it in. I don't let it stay out there long enought to catch anything.
My mommy has made some pages of my first holidays. Please stop by and take a look. Some of them have pictures on them! They are in order in which I experienced them.
Would you like to exchange banners with me? Just send it my way! Or maybe you came by a webring and would like to leave by webring.
Banner Exchange
View Awards
Gosh, I'm the best swimmer. I can jump in with out any help. I also can put my face in and swim like a fish. I took a class this summer at my Mama's school. I already knew what they were teaching though. My Aunt Alli used to teach swimming lessons, so I had a head start. I don't like to use floaties. I do really good without them as long as someone is standing by. However, I do get tired and ask to put my life-jacket back on. I know my limitations.
There are some great clubs around on the internet. So far I have found two that are really great for me to join! If you would like to join or learn more about them, then just follow the links to my special pages for them.
Babies of 97 and More
Net Buddies

Look what I won! June 16, 1999. |
Last updated: September 19, 2002
Reset June 18, 2000. Page created May 30, 1999.

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Alec Jay.
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