
Memories of You....My memories are precious and dear to me...now that you are gone and we have said goodbye...--Annica Gramman--

niel's mom
As Niel's Mom, I appreciate everyone's gift of love to Niel with these good memories. His life was a light to us and you are completing that circle of light, friends, All that really matters is our love for one another while we're on this spaceship Earth.
**I remember sneaking into Niel's room after he was asleep at night so that I could give him a kiss because he was getting too old to get them when he was awake! He was great fun to be with. When he and Liahna were together anything could happen! They brought out the best in one another. There is a broken place in my heart that will forever miss my son. If only he could have asked for help with his sadness.......

Niels Dad:
Allan Harrington

I have lots of great memories of niel, playing "bear" with him and la, I was the bear and they had to get me off the rug any way they could... and they did a few times but that wasn't even the point, it was fun rough housing with them. and of course neil at my guitar shop in Oneonta...

>>when niel was trying to snowbord on a sled, he fell and hit his head on the concreate and broke the church window.
>>My last memory of Niel was when I picked him up from school on Tuesday we were batteling for drivers seat. both determined to be the one who drove. I of course won, and as usual he talked me into letting him drive. I remember how much fun we had driving around with out mom. He couldn't wait till he could drive with out anyone else in the car. He was really a good driver even if he did have to sit on sweatshirts....(and he was 2 1/2" taller than me...Now what does that say about me!!!)

Wendy Whitmore-Connolly
This is in memory of my dear cousin. I can still remember going to the fair with you and La and the whole family. Drinking milk straght from the cows. Is that where milk comes from? :> I Love you. I miss you

Tamatha Whitmore
Niel was my cousin. I remember him as a happy child with a real zest for life. Although at times he was quiet and reflective, he lived every day to its fullest and it hurts me that he is gone. It hurts me more that he thought taking his own life was his only way out of the pain he was feeling. I close my eyes at night and think of him as he was when I saw him last at his Dad's wedding. I'll never forget the compassion he showed with certain guests, and his willingness to help in tough situations. He seemed to enjoy talking to everyone and showed patience with the small children. The sparkle in his eye and his quick laugh will stay with me forever. I miss him.

Well, I was simply another one of Niel's cousins. But, that to me wasn't simple at all. When I think of Niel, I think of a sparkler, you know the kind that are out around the 4th of July...Well, I think that Niel was a sparkler. He was the brightest thing possible, but for only a short time. His light burned into our memory, making it impossible to ever forget Niel. Niel, you're here, inside everyone of our hearts...I love you...

Tim Sherwood, Matt Fleming
(a lot of these things are parts of long stories
so these are just parts of the memories):
a.) Stripped stumps in the woods.
b.) Almost starting a forest fire.
c.) Blowing up fenceposts with CO2 bombs.
d.) Hole in the hay.
e.) The ropes course.
f.) Experiencing the gunpowder.
g.) Bee stings and a broken arm.
h.) Extremely sharp steak knives and a lot of stitches.
i.) Dragonfly attacks.
j.) Four wheelin' with my JD and his Bessy.
k.) Nerf attacks on Liahna.
l.) Wreckin' the go-kart before it was finished.
m.) The dam that the Walleys broke.
n.) Ewok village on Fleming Road.
o.) Wife-beaters at camp and at home.
p.) Snow forts in the culvert pipe.
q.) Floating dock fights.
r.) The "6-pack" and the "physique."
s.) Leyden's cracked snowmobile windshield with snowball.
t.) 4th of July nights in the treehouse.
u.) Perfectly chipped shot into Walley's satellite dish.
v.) Target practice on road signs with model rocket.
w.) Rafting trip in Pocono, PA.
x.) Fighting for the window seat on Youth Group trips.
y.) Mississippi Squirrel Revival in church

Bonnie Francisco
I will always remember Neil's dimples. they made him so innocent!

Jaime Hobbs
I miss him so much. I think about him constantly. Niel is one of the most incredable people i have ever known. I would give anything just to hug him again.

Jessica Backus
The first time I met Niel, I was 12 and he was 10. We met at 4-H camp and when I got home the next week, there were four love letters that I still have and cherish very deeply. Niel had such a wonderful way of making me laugh. He made me believe that smiles are contagious. We became great friends, offering advice to eachother and I often followed his tips. Some of the best memories I have with Niel are camp, the fair, Pizza Hut, the truck ride home and his loving smile. I miss him very much, and I need him more than I thought.
I love you Niel

Chelsea Hanselman
Well, I have so many memories of Neil but I am going to have to say the best of them all would be fair. I miss you so much Neil, and us hanging out at fair. I just hope you realize how much I miss you and how much I love you! We had so musch fun together and I will never forget that. I will always have those memeories and I will never forget you. You had so much to do with my life, and I thank you for that. I Love you and I miss you!

Crystal Francisco
Its september 21 almost a year scence it happend. I think that that day was indeed the saddest day of my life!!! every step I take every hallway i walk every corner I turn theres always something there to remind me of his face..every time I blink im almost certain that a tear will come along w/ it!.....he was and always will be loved by all....I feel greatly for La and Joanne...I love you both w/ all of my heart...La I hope to see you soon...I can't cry alone anymore!!
Oct 7th ~~~~~~**Todays the day**~~~~~~ one year ago today we lost Niel.....I was crying almost all day today...I was lucky to have a friend like Lindsey Hobbs to comefort me!! shez a sweet heart....Niel I Love You and Miss you greatly.
Oct 24th ....god i hate this.....i just found out thet one on my really good friends Sean commited susied yesterday.....i really cant go through this AGAIN!! i cant stop crying....god why does this have to happen????..life sux sooo bad.first Niel now this....god!!!!!wwwhhhyyyyyy???

Sarah Pawlikowski
I'll always remember seeing him in the hall, next to his locker, and he would smile and say hi. He was so sweet. We all will miss him, always

Michael Sander
I dont even Know what to say But Neil was a good friend and he was loved by many. He was one of the most exciting, unique and all around great people.

It's almost been 7 weeks~! I can't belive how much pain and sorrow can be packed jammed into such little time. Niel's locker still is filled with his smile and political cartoons! *smile* and we miss him so much and we love all of you! Hang in there!

Crystal Welch
I miss him alot, but he will always be in my heart!

Emily Briggs
I will always remember seeing Neil in school and in ski club, he was always smiling and always there to listen to your problems. He was also fun to hang out with at the walton fair. Neil will be greatly missed.

Amanda Benedict
I knew Niel for what now seems like a very short 6 years. But those years were full of a lot of life. I met Niel at camp, and I knew he was wonderful the first time I met him. We would always laugh together, and that's what made him so sweet. I miss him, and I will never forget him.
*** Well, it's been a year. I thought the pain would be over, but I realized today that it's only just begun. This summer I worked at 4-H camp, and I thought that I was better, that all the pain was gone. But I realize now, since we've all reached that anniversary date, that it's still a great effort to make it through each day. It's hard that only one other person in Schoharie knew Niel, but I also know that all you guys out there are going through the same thing. Best wishes to all of you, I know how hard it is.
*** Oh gosh, it seems that as every day goes by, that we all might have a chance of this getting easier, so far I'm still waiting. I know how hard this whole ordeal is on myself, and Todd, but I can only imagine what Niel's family is going through. Keep your chin up guys, hopefully that old saying of 'only time can heal the pain' is true.

Todd Burnside
Neil was and is the best friend that I have ever had. He was such an imaginative inventor. In the fall of 1991 Neil had this idea of building a raft and testing it out on his neighbors pond. Well, we gathered some styrofoam, wooden boards and some rope. He always had ideas for what to build next. The test day had come and he couldn't wait. About halfway out the raft was taking on water so we swam for shore. when we stood up we looked back just in time to see the mighty ship go down. Neil didn't stop there. He said we would attempt it again. When I left Delhi I was extremely sad. I had a hard time settling in in schoharie. We started to slowly lose touch and when his death came along I was extremely shocked. I continued to wonder whether or not it was really Neil. Every morning I wake up and think about him. I was never one of the popular kids in Delhi but he treated me with the upmost respect. When I saw people up here crying I realized what such an impact neil had had on everyones life! Now I can't help but think that Neil's friendship was the greatest privledge that I will ever have.
Thank you Neil...

I know you're in a much better place now, where the Lord Himself wipes away the tears before they run down your cheeks. We'll see you soon, afterall, what are a few more years compared to an eternity of love, joy and life with our loving father? You know this one better than me, now. bye for now.

I'm sorry for Niel's family and friends. Niel will be missed Greatly!! Forever!

Sam Cortese
I didn't know Niel for a very long time. It was only about a year. But we became really close friends. I remember us getting yelled at by Mrs. Fisher in the library. She would seperate us but we still talked across the room. We had a lot of good times together. Niel I miss you so much. I think about you all the time. I Love You!!

Jessica Fraser
Well, I met Niel at 4-H camp and it was so great! I knew that the first time I met him I would like him forever! and I do! At camp me and him had so much fun- everyone alwsys said no PDA so me and Niel always went around that and gave "secret hugs" and held hands under the table so no one could see! I still have this green nail polish he stole from a girl at camp to give to me! He is the best and for sure a ladies man!he always told me how he was always with all these girls and he always said, I'm the man! anyways Niel I will see ya around, and I love u with all my heart! And I will never forget u! Even if it will be 100 years from now believe me I will see u around!

My page for Niel.

DaNay Spurge
I miss Niel very much i think about him all the time! it's hard not to see him and talk to him..but all we can do is think about him and his Great memories.. Niel was loved by all and he always will be. I remember doing stupid things with him during the fair and during the summers.. got into trouble every once in a while too!! Niel keep smileing !! we Love and Miss You Buddy. *huggs* to all who Loved Him!!!

Lesle Ann
Niel was dear and very, very close. Nothing can take away my love for him, no matter who I meet along this walk in life, I will love him always. I wish I could have told hom this before, but here goes, Niel I love you and miss you so much I don't ever forget it. Okay! Oh yeah thanks for that 20 bucks you gave me when I was broke and couldn't get pizza. Your always with me in my heart.

Kelley Whittaker
I will always remember how Niel would help me with all my boy problems and would always have a shoudler to cry on when I needed one. I miss Niel so much and will even more when the fair comes around. I miss you Niel.

Jaime Francisco
There are so many memories that are dredged up every day, and every day there is something at almost every turn to remind me that he is gone.

My favorite memory is when he, La, their mother, and I were all outside one summer afternoon cooking dinner in the backyard. When it got to be dark we all went inside. Only a few minutes later a bright red glow exploded outside in the direction of the fireplace. It turns out Neil had left some firecrackers in the coals of the diminished fire!

(this ones a whole youth group memory):
--When we went to the beach in New Jersey for youth group, we buried Niel in the sand with only his head sticking out. Tim then proceeded to kick some sand in Niel's eyes, Niel got REALLY mad, but it was still funny:)

Christy LePinnet
It's almost a year and still I can't believe he is gone. I went to 4-H camp with him and It was the best time.

Libby LePinnet
The last time I talked to Niel was a couple days before his death. He came to our Delhi field hockey game and stood in the cold with only his tee- shirt on. I kept saying I have a sweatshirt if you want it. He replied no i'm fine!! We had a good half and hour talk about everything, I am so happy that I was able to have such a deep talk. That is one of the things I will remember about him. He kept trying to get Jen and I to be friends again, of all the people that wanted us to make up he did the most. I'm not sure if it was because him like Jen and wanted me to put in a good word and he knew I wouldn't do that if we weren't talking!! Fair was bad we couldn't shovel cow crap this year, you promised Jessi and I that you would go to State Fair with us. You would have had a balst!! Well Niel I miss you a lot more than you could ever imagine. Love Ya

Lindsay Hobbs
The most I remeber was when Niel came over for a Christmas party (all girls! yes, he was a lady's man :) ) and he hung out with me b/c I wasn't "invited" b/c me and my sister Jaime were never close and she never wanted me around but Niel stuck by me....And I took it for granted. He bought me a carnation for valentine's day, and roses for christmas.. (He told Jaime they were for my mom so Jaime wouldnlt be jealous or upset :) ) He was so cute and funny, and my INTERNET friend! We stayed up until like 2:00 am talking about nothing! :) and phone calls.. really late... and I think everytime I walk into the woods he's there... and always will be in my heart.. I just hope I can see him again... and.. recently I have started school and I haven't really processed his death, and not seeing him at school, at at our hockey games it's just not right, sumthing's missing...I know they call me dumb... b/c I cry whenever the little things he did or liked, come to mind or remind me of him.. these past days have been hard for me! And I just wanted to let you all know, me and Jaime did write poem together as a school project in his memory. And I do write frquently, but that peice without a doubt was the hardest for me to write! I send all my love and prayers to the Harrington Family and friends and those whose lives Niel did touch... I LOVE YOU NIEL!!

Michele Cerra
I didn't know Niel for very long, but we established a lasting friendship. We had many in depth conversations that I will cherish forever. I also have about 5 love notes from him, that I will save forever. Some of my favorite memories are: pizza hut, the truck ride home, riding around, listening to the beastie boys, hanging out at the fair, and talking to him on the phone. I miss him so much and he will always hold a special, untouched, place in my heart. I love you Niel!

Jessica Alger
When I think of Neil, I think of the BC iceman hockey game when he ran to save the back seat for me and Libby. It was little Neil sitting in between two 5'10" girls. He was having the time of his life. I also remember at the fair when he was trying to scare Emily and me when we were watching him show. He climbed up on the bleachers and banged his head really hard on the rafters and that taught him never to scare us again. Everyone misses Niel more and more everday especially all his Walton girls we will never forget him.

La's page



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