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Do you have a favourite picture of your Babyz? Are they looking cute, doing something funny, sleeping peacefully, fighting with another babyz? We would all love to see the pictures! Just copy and paste the form into an e.mail, and send it to me. Dont forget to add the picture! I will put it on this page for everyone to cooo over! |
Fill in the form below, and send it to me with a picture of your babyz! |
name of baby:- your name:- your url:- tell me about your baby:- |
From: Jennifer Horowitz C2Courtney@go.com name of babies:- Candy (long hair) and Brittney (frizzed pigtails) your name:- Jenny your url:-none tell me about your babies:- I figured out how to frizz and add hair. Candy originally was bald, and Brittney had regular brown ponytails. |
Name of baby:- Mary-Kate My name:- Caryn My url:- My website is currently under construction My e-mail: Caryn200@aol.com About my baby:- Mary-Kate is my first and only Baby.She is really sweet and she is always laughing and smiling! She loves her bottle of milk and eating oatmeal.Her favourite toy is her doll which she likes to carry everywhere! |
name of babyz:- Tyler James ( TJ ) your name:- Nicole comments about babyz:- TJ was my first babyz and i love him extra special. He loves to smile, and loves to eat oatmeal and bananas your e.mail:- Nsyncrazy132aol.com your site:- none |
name of babyz:- Carter your name:- Barbie comments about babyz:- Carter was my first baby. He can talk now and read the books. He isextra special. He is always smiling! your e.mail:- Barbie8697@aol.com your site:- http://www.geocities.com/babyzcenter |
NAME OF BABYZ: Samie, Joshua and Sophie MY NAME: Rachel MY URL: http://www.petzpatrol.themutual.net/Index.htm COMMENTS: Joshua is my original babyz. Sophie I adopted off http://www.babyz.net . And lastly I adopted Samie off a friend. I love `em all soo much! MY EMAIL: bottlebabyz@themutual.net |
name of baby:- Mike your name:-Christine your url:-have none tell me about your baby:-He a unique baby and soooooooooo cute! |
Tigger >^..^< |
Tigger >^..^< |
name of babyz: Elizabeth, Angela, and Jonathan your name: Jessica your url: http://www.zdhost.net/babyzSite.htm tell me about your baby: Elizabeth, Angela, and Jonathan love learning and practicing their reading skills with their favorite books! |
name of babyz: (left to right) Hannah, Chelsey, Ellie your name: Amy your url: none tell me about your babyz: they get along great! they love to be around each other.... and as you see they love winnie and friends! |