Clothes Closet


At the bottom of the page are instructions for getting the new clothes into the clothes closet in your game. My copy of Babyz is installed on my If yours is in another drive, go to that one instead.

Blue fluffy slippers

Looks like the blue socks  in the closet.


Starry Suit

Looks like the elf suit  in the closet.


Starry Onesie

Looks like the amoeba onesie in the closet.


How to install the clothes.
Unzip the file onto your desktop.
Put the contents into the clothes file.   How?   Follow this route.
Double right click on:-  My Computer. Then C Drive,  Programme files,  Mindscape,  Babyz,   Resource,  Clothes.
This clothes folder shows all the clothes that are in the closet.
Now pick up
everything that you unzipped and drop it into the clothes file.
That`s it!
Just turn on your game and go to the clothes closet. The new items  will still look like the item they were hexed from  until you put them onto your babyz!
Remember, unless you put the colour bmp in the /clothes folder with the clothes, the items will appear grey!

More clothes coming soon.

