Project ME

Your self-concept determines who you are and what you will become. It is composed of personal beliefs and attitudes. Project ME actitivites are designed to develop the best possible attitudes and beliefs in students and the teacher.

These activities are used as enrichment exercises in the character education program. Where appropriate and with permission, students and teacher work will be displayed in these area. Click the title to become a part of that exercise.

Personal Time Line 

Awesome Autobiographies 

The Journal - A Beginning 

The Name Game 

Pride in Myself 

Personal Coat of Arms

  Collage of Self

  Social Silhouettes on My Mind

  Object Sharing

  The Card Game

Monthly Character Education Readings
"To educate a person in mind and not in morals is to educate a menace to society.:
Theodore Roosevelt
September - Friendship
October - Self-discipline
November - Work Ethics
December - Responsibility
January - Honesty
February - Courage
March - Perseverance
April - Respect
May - Citizenship


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