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Not wanting to spend the turn of the century apart, we decided on a New Year's Road Trip!

This is one of those trips where I wished I'd taken more pictures...!  So much went unphotographed! :(  Still, here's what we did get on film!!


New Year's Eve @ Michelle's!
Andy and I flew in to John's in Detroit, and minus poor Jason (home, deathly ill with the flu), drove across MI, through Canada, into NY!


Everyone at Michelle's lil' New Yr's party, just hanging out Grp1.JPG (66310 bytes) What happens when you give Michelle's kid brother Gregory too much sugar!!gregory.jpg (34188 bytes)

Waiting for the year to turn, John amuses himself as only John knows how!! :)

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Michelle & I in her living room right before midnightShar_Mich.JPG (78371 bytes)  

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Andy too tired to look happy even in a Mickey Santa hat! :(  So, he gets some cheerin' up! :)

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Our last group pictures of the century!! :)
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Out w/ the champagne! What I was looking at when the new millenium hit!! :) And a new year's kiss...


How much more perfect could it have been - spending these moments with some of those I loved most? 

Jason - it wasn't the same without you, but at least we got to spend it on the phone (who gave you your first kiss of the new century!??!?! :) )




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