Here are Keane's Pictures 
- Hello World (with Voice)
- Born May 11 1999, 1:20pm PDT at Overlake Hospital.
- 6 lbs 10 oz and 19" long. Head size is about 13¼".
- 1 Month (with Voice)
- 10 lbs 13 oz and 22½" long.
- 2 Months
- 13 lbs 2 oz and 24½" long.
- Playing with his gym set, very curious about his surrounding. Loves to be talked to.
- 3 Months (with Voice)
- 4 Months
- 15 lbs 12 oz and 25½" long.
- Holding toys and bringing them to his mouth, scratches his own face and screams louder to get attention!! Already had his 3rd hair cut.
- 5 Months
- Nick name "watermelon".
- Turning from front to back, hates to be on his tummy. Loves seeing himself in the mirror and observing other babies.
- 6 Months
- 17 lbs 14 oz and 27" tall.
- Started solid food. Saying "MaMa".
- 8 Months
- About 20 lbs. Cut his first 2 teeth around Dec 1st 1999.
- Loves water, loves bath.
- 9 Months
- 2 upper teeth are cutting out.
- Sitting up very well. Splashing water during bath. Waving bye-bye!
- Calling Stephen "PaPa" and mambling "KorKor" (elder brother) or is it Coco (MS Sandy's dog).
- 9 Months - Photos Album
- 10 Months
- Feeding himself very well.
- Loves to eat rice, bread, cheerios and oranges.
- Moves around by rolling, sitting up, rolling and sitting up. He knows to sit back up from lying on his tummy.
- 11 Months - no pictures
- Sick with 1st Ear infection, went to the doctor.
- 1 Year Old!!!
- 21 lbs 8 oz and 30 " tall
- Holding his own bottle! Yeah!
- Crawling and standing up.
- Loves swing and riding on his trike.
- 15 to 17 months
- 23 lbs 6 oz and 32 " tall
- Walking! Yeah!
- Looks forward to the 10 seconds driving with Stephen.
- 20+ to 21 months
- Likes to Count, Write (pretending), Read ABCs.
- Talks a lot!
- 22 to 23+ months
- Still Likes to Count and Read ABCs. Now loves to color.
- Watches Videos/Books, CDRom/Books and Listens Tapes/Books a lot! (By Dr. Seuss)
- Plays Bubbles at least Once a day!
- 2 Years Old!!!
- 26.5 lbs and 35 " tall
- Loved all his birthday cards, read the ABCs, count the number, tell the colors on them!
- Thank you for all the cards and presents!
- 2 1/2 Years Old!!!
- 28 lbs and 36.5 " tall
- Writes a few numbers and a few alphabets. Spells a few words.
- Loves to sing songs and make up words.
- 2001 Christmas Pictures taken on Nov 23 01
- 31 Months Old
- 33 Months Old
- Loves watching Sesame Street and playing computer games
- Dates
- 1st tooth - cutting out around Dec 1st, 1999
- Upper front teeth - cutting out around Feb 6th, 2000
- 2 more lower teeth - around April 11th, 2000
- 2 more upper teeth - around May 1st, 2000
- Started walking - around August 11, 2000
- Started counting - around 20 months, Jan 11, 2001
- Recognized all upper case ABCs, basic colors and shapes - around 21 months, Feb 11, 2001
- Feb 28, 2001 10:44 a.m. experienced the 1st earthquake - 6.8
Mama and Keane started driving off from Kirland CC Creative Moment class...
"Weeee!" said Keane, while Mama felt the earth rolling, like Disneyland ride!
Papa was at work, took cover under his desk for safety.
- About 22 months... obsess with Dr. Seuss ABC song!
- About 23 months - total of 17 teeth, lower left side has one more tooth.
- About 25 months - total of 20 teeth.
- Feb 12 2002 (CNY) put on his new shoes all by himself... (shoes with flashing lights).
- Keane is 9 years old already
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