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Online Connection Activities

Fall Survey    Fall Town Meeting   Database    Art Gallery    Spring Survey    Spring Town Meeting

Throw-Away Survey 

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Who: Classes in grades 1-5 and 8 
What: Online project - data collection and analysis 
When: October 4 - 29, 1999  Submit school results to by Wednesday, October 27 AND enter in eGroup database (go to eGroup and click on database)

Click on the picture above to learn more about the Throw-Away Survey. 

Where: Website -
Join E-Group - /EnchantedForest/Creek/3675/egroup.htm
How: Each student will take a copy of the "Throw Away Journal" home to record what is thrown away by all members of a household in a twenty-four hour period which will be posted on a discussion forum.
Why: Students will be made aware of the amounts and effects of trash and what they can do to help.

 Positively Trashy Town Meeting 

cu.jpg (3930 bytes) Who: Classes in grades 1-5 and 8
What: Desktop videoconference using free CU-SeeMe software 
When: Thursday, October 28, 1999 at 10:00 a.m. EST

Click on the picture above to learn more about Town Meetings. 

How: Classes will use the Teachers Connect website to set up CU-SeeMe to participate in this Town Meeting using a computer with an Internet connection.
Why: Students will have the opportunity to discuss the amounts and effects of trash and what they can do to help.

 Reuse Database 

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Who: Classes in grades 1-5 and 8 
What: Online project - data collection and analysis 
When: Ongoing

Click on the picture above to go to the Reuse Database.

Where: Join E-Group -
Click on Database tab 
How: Classes will select a type of trash contribute reuse ideas for a specific trash item. 
Why: Students will be made aware of the amounts and effects of trash and what they can do to help

 Reuse Art Gallery 

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Who: Classes in grades 1-5 and 8 
What: Online project - data collection and analysis 
When: Ongoing
Click on the button above to visit the online art gallery Where: Send digital art pictures to
How: Classes will submit one or two excellent examples of art created by reuse of trash. 
Why: Students will be made aware of the amounts and effects of trash and what they can do to help.

 Throw-Away Survey 

Who: Classes in grades 1-5 and 8 
What: Online project - data collection and analysis 
When: April 10 - 27, 2000.  Submit school results to by Tuesday, April 25 AND enter in eGroup database (go to eGroup and click on database)

Click on the picture above to learn more about the Throw-Away Survey.

Where: Website -
Join E-Group -
How: Each student will take a copy of the "Throw Away Journal" home to record what is thrown away by all members of a household in a twenty-four hour period which will be posted on a discussion forum.
Why: Students will be made aware of the amounts and effects of trash and what they can do to help.

 Positively Trashy Town Meeting 

cu.jpg (3930 bytes) Who: Classes in grades 1-5 and 8 
What: Desktop videoconference using free CU-SeeMe software 
When: Thursday, April 27, 2000 at 1:00 p.m. EST

Click on the picture above to learn more about Town Meetings.

How: Classes will use the Teachers Connect website to set up CU-SeeMe to participate in this Town Meeting using a computer with an Internet connection
Why: Students will have the opportunity to discuss the amounts and effects of trash and what they can do to help

 e-mail -
Last updated: 01/03/00

About the Project Activities/Timelines Registration NC Standards Resources Join NCTrash E-Group


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