There is nearly always someone in #Seniorchat, waiting to greet old friends and newcomers.  Nowhere will you find a more friendly bunch of people.  We chat and laugh, trade music, share each others sorrows, there is always someone there to lend a friendly ear.  You can join us by downloading a "chat client".  Two of the most popular ones are mIRC and Pirch.  They are used to connect to an  IRC  (Internet Relay Chat) server.  You can then chat with people from all over the world.

Seniorchat has had several homes over the past few years, but we are now happily settled in Serenity-IRC.  Please come visit us, we would love to see you.  Below are servers available for connection to Serenity-IRC.

European Servers
U.S. Servers



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                                            Updated:  September 5, 2004 © 2002, 2003, 2004