Welcome to the Seniorchat Homepage.  We are a group of senior citizens (and some not so senior) from around the world, that gather in IRC.  We have a lot of fun, a lot of serious moments, exchange MP3's and are all great friends.  Please sign our Guest Book below the "What's New" section.


If you know of any FREE downloads that you think will be of interest to others, please fill out the form on the links page.

What's New:

April 20,      2008 Added WillW to Our Members
October 24,   2006 Added Honey Garlic Sauce to Main Dishes
March 29,     2006 Added new picture to Donnah's Bio
February 25,  2006 Added Crab Cakes to Sidedishes



© 2002, 2003,2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008