August 2000 & July 1999
Wow! This is back in the Day!
Me and my mum!! Ahh!! How sweet!
Saz, Me and Joanna in Amici's.
Me and my daddy!!
Havin' fun in the sand! Me and Saz playing bat and ball.
Takin' a dip in the beautiful, clear water!!
Bat and ball again!
Out for a sail! My dad, Sazzy, and me!
Parasailing!! Nail bite time! Last time Saz went the rope broke!!
Me splashing Sarah. What an awesome picture huh?
Junkanoo time at our hotel! It was sooo awesome! And loud!
There we are, flying high!
The girls havin' dinner in Amici's!
July 1999
Having fun under the sun!! This is Joanna, (Sarah's lil' sis) Me, Sarah and Navada! Bahamas, July, 1999
Smile Kids!! From left to right. Joanna, Me, Sarah, John,(Sarah's big bro) and Mike(My big bro)!
Dinner Time! Sarah, Joanna, and I smile for the camera at the dinner table.
Ahh! The memories! From left to right. Top, Navada,(if you can make him out) Me, Sarah. Bottom, Lana, Fuzy, Chelsea,and Jo!
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