Thomas Links
www.thomasthetankengine.com The offical site with games, news and links.
www.angelfire.com/nc/shiningtime/index.html Shining Time Station is where you see Thomas on N.American T.V.
www.iglobal.com/Drew/index.html Drew's unoffical site-home of the graphics for this site and lots of Thomas links.
www.geocities.com/martinclutt/awdry/ Find out where the real engines came from at Martin Clutterbuck's's site.
Christopher Awdry's home page. The family page for Christopher Awdry and family.
ourworld.compuserve.com/homepages/train_depot/ttte.htm Yes, you can build Thomas out of Lego and lots more.
http://www.sodor-island.net/episodeguide/ The TV episodes, the dvds and the published stories do not, for fairly good reasons correspond; neither is what happens in North America the same as in England. This site will help you find what you what to find.
When the episodes really happened
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See Thomas the Tank Engine on You Tube.