Dew Drops & Buttercups
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Welcome to Faerie Wings Forrest |
Welcome gentle explorer ! I'm Fae, your guide through the Forrest.
You've come a long way to find us here - most humans don't believe in us any more.
You must be very brave to use your imagination -
because you never know what will transpire once those doors are opened.
Hold my hand and come fly with me as we explore the Forrest Woodland...
Meet my friends who live and play in the Shady Glenn...
Dance with me on the dew drops, and when we're tired we will rest upon the buttercups
where we can share a cup of nectar and a song.
Know gentle explorer, that as long as you stay within the forrest boundries, you are protected by our faerie magic. Once you leave however, our protection can not follow. So should you decide to leave us, please remember that we are here for you whenever you need us, and you are always welcome back! - and should you forget about using your imagination, you will find reminders right here. Love & Laughter to you all, ~ Fae