Site Menu:

Legs and Boots

BleachedOut's Riding Boots Page

Before you continue to view my site, please read the following:

This page contains images of women wearing jodhpurs and riding boots. This is not a porn site. However there may be some images that could be considered in adult nature therefore my site is recommended for ages 18 & over.
My URL links to other web pages also deals with women wearing jodphurs and riding boots. There may also be adult oriented (even porn) materials from these sites. I'm not responsible for what the webmasters host on their sites.

Most images on this site were found on the net, and a few other ones were actually scanned by me. Many images here are believed to be in the public domain. My page is a free (Non-profit) website, which was created for viewing purposes only. And I have no intention on any copyright infringement on my part for any personal gain, from any source. If you feel that I have done so on some of the images, then please send me the actual image and URL to the place that was originally created, and I'll either give credit to its source, or I'll remove the image from my site as soon as possible. Thank you for reading this notice.

BleachedOut - ©2000
BleachedOut's pages

BleachedOut's Pages:

Knee High Platform Boots
Boots Latex Stockings
BleachedOut's Riding Boots Page
Anna Kournikova
Teen Spirit
This site maintained by BleachedOut ©2000, last updated: December 2000.